Hamilton International Middle School

Hamilton International
Middle School
Get Involved

Friends of Music at Hamilton International (FOMAHI)

Geoff Ogle:

  • Beginning Orchestra
  • Premier Orchestra
  • Intermediate/Concert Orchestra
  • Beginning/Premier Band
  • Intermediate Band

Angela Pence:

  • Intermediate Choir
  • Treble (Concert) Choir
  • Vocal Jazz
  • Concert Band
  • Jazz Band

Hamilton has a long tradition of great music groups and supporting young musicians. Friends of Music at Hamilton International (FOMAHI) is a non-profit parent booster group that supports our students inside and outside the music room. If you have any questions about Hamilton’s music programs and our activities, you can email us at fomahihelp@gmail.com.

FOMAHI makes sure every student has the opportunity to pursue their musical interests and fully
participate in every activity. We support the music program through keeping parents up to date,
organizing volunteers, facilitating field trips, providing scholarships and supplies – and more! FOMAHI always needs parents and guardians to serve on its board and to volunteer at concerts and
fundraisers. Please be on the lookout for opportunities to get involved – or email us today!

New music families: Please register on FOMAHI’s website to get news about concerts, field trips and events.

Returning families: Last year’s registrations expire soon. Please update your student’s grade, class, & director information.

  • Create and/or update your account! (“My Account” on our home page.)
  • Click on “Parent/Guardian & Student Information” to update your information, select your
    directory preferences. (“Parent/Guardian & Student Information” to update your information, select your directory preferences.)

FOMAHI raises funds through an enrichment fee, an annual “Music-a-thon” fundraiser, Dine Out
(Carryout) Nights, and concert bake sales. This year, we are asking parents to pay a voluntary, $40
enrichment fee to help keep FOMAHI going until its primary fundraiser – the Music-a-thon – in
February 2025. If you have the means, we’d appreciate your support! Contribute to
enrichment fees
. Families currently without a music student can email us to be put on a list for concert announcements.

Email: fomahihelp@gmail.com | Friend of Music at Hamilton International Website