Counseling Center
Hamilton Counseling Center
The Hamilton Counselors create a safe environment for students to share their concerns in a confidential setting. Students can arrange to see their counselor either by coming before/after school or during lunch; by asking their classroom teacher to excuse them to see the counselor; or by filling out a self-referral form in the counseling center.

Professional School Counselors hold a master’s degree in School Counseling. School Counselors use data to develop a Comprehensive School Counseling Program to serve all students. School counselors provide leadership, advocacy, and a collaborative approach to deliver services and programs. An essential goal of the Hamilton Counseling team is to provide equitable access and remove barriers to educational opportunities for all students. We strive to help students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to build the foundation for success in high school and beyond.
School counselors serve students in three primary areas:
Assist students with course planning and scheduling; assist students with academic support in the areas of organization and general study skills; consult & collaborate with parents and teachers; assist with referrals for special education and/or accommodations; assist with transition from elementary to middle school and from middle school to high school.
Work with students when problems or concerns arise with friends, family, or peers; offer group counseling and skills building to help strengthen relation and foster academic success; make referrals to outside resources when necessary.
Help link current activities, interests, and abilities to future jobs and careers; help students explore their interests, try new things, and discover opportunities to help expand their vision for high school and beyond. More information about the role of the Middle School Counselor.
Andrew Brown, Intervention and Prevention Specialist, helps with identification of students in need of support via SBIRT and provides engagement opportunities and intervention services.
Katie Wear is our School Social Worker. Her focus is on mental health, crisis support, and family resource connections.