Hamilton International Middle School

Hamilton International
Middle School

New for This Year Yondr Cell Phone Pouches

2024-2025 Cell Phone & Communication Device Expectations “No Exceptions!!”

HIMS has always been a phone free campus!

When storing your device in the pouch

  • Power your device down (turn-off) before placing it in the pouch.
  • Your phone should not be ringing or making any noise inside the pouch.
  • This will also prevent access to your phone or personal information if lost, stolen or collected.
  • Each student will be issued a Yondr Pouch along with a new laptop. Students will be responsible for both.
  • Once you enter the school phones are to be put away in the pouch and secured for the rest of the day.  Includes watches, earbuds & communication devices. All go in the bag.
  • You must have the pouch every day.
  • If the above direction is not followed your phone will be subject to being confiscated, kept in the office, and your parents will need to pick up your device.  There will not be multiple “chances or warnings”.

Early Dismissal, Dr. Appointments, etc.

If students need to leave early for any reason there will be a deactivating given to Ms. Clark, Attendance Specialist. She will deactivate pouches for students who are signed out early during the school day.

 Refusal to “Pouch Up” Phone

  • Students who refuse to follow the cell phone pouch policy will have phones confiscated and placed in the main office.
  • Parents may pick up student phones from the main office upon contact from school administration. No 1st, 2nd, 3rd chances to follow direction.

Phone pouch Expectations Continued

  • At the end of the school day (when dismissal bell rings) phones may be taken out of the phone pouches.
  • To unlock the pouch there will be a total of 8-lock boxes at main school exit doors.
  • #1=box=near the east gym exit,
  • #1=box=east exit door near library leading to bus pick up
  • #2=box=front entrance doors near office
  • #4=box=”hawk nest” north exit leading to basketball court, that will be opened at the end of the school day so that students may unlock pouches when exiting the building at dismissal.

Care and Responsibility of School Property

  • Cell phone pouches may be hand washed and air dried.
  • Just like your school issued laptop you are responsible for its care which includes (loss and damage).  To replace the pouch there is a fee of $24.00.
  • Laptops and cellphone pouches will be checked out by students.
  • Please do not try and use force to open the pouch! This will cause visible damage and will be seen when pouch inspections are done. You will be responsible for the damage.

Social Emotional Health

  • We are implementing pouches so that we decrease inappropriate use of cell phones.
  • Decrease incidences HIB’S (harassment, intimidation & bullying).
  • Help students have a feeling of comfort and security in their personal public, & private space. Increase “Self-Care.”
  • Most Importantly, decrease interruption of “instructional” time.