Hamilton International Middle School

Hamilton International
Middle School
Student Family Portal

HIMS Friday News

Dear Hamilton Community,

Wishing you an enjoyable restful weekend!  Below are some important reminders and updates from Hamilton and news from our PTSA.

7th Grade Families – Course Registration Process

Hello current 7th Grade Families,

Please be aware that on Friday, March 28, Ms. Peila, our registrar, sent an email to current 7th grade parents and 7th grade students explaining the ONLINE course registration process for HIMS 2025-2026 school year.  On March 28, during Advisory, 7th graders were given a Course Registration Worksheet to take home and discuss with their families. Please reference the attachments sent via email for additional descriptions and instructions. Students need to bring the completed form the week of April 1st, 2025, they will use the form as a reference when completing registration via the Online Registration Portal. The Portal is only available through students SOURCE account and can only be submitted once. If adjustments are necessary after being submitted, student must see Ms. Peila in person, RM 105C.

  Counselors will be assisting students with this process during the school day and will collect the paper forms once the online registration has been completed, extra forms will be available in case students forget to bring them. 

Thank you!

ONLINE Registration Team


        Teacher4/1 Tuesday4/2 Wednesday4/3 Thursday4/4 Friday
  Gallagher  1,2, period    None  3,4,6 period  none
  Williams  None    1,2, 3. Period  None  4, 5 period

SPS – Is My Child Too Sick to Go to School?  Guide for Parents

APPEARANCE/BEHAVIOR- unusually tired, pale, no appetite, hard to wake, or confused.

EYES- If there is drainage, vision change, and/or redness of the eyelid, itching, pain or sensitivity to light. This may be a sign of “pink eye” (conjunctivitis) and the student should be checked by a health care provider.

FEVER- temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees C) or higher. Students need to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school WITHOUT medications to reduce the fever.

BAD COLD AND/OR COUGH – Students need to be able to cover their cough to be at school. If a cough or cold persists for more than 2 weeks, the student may need to be seen by a health care provider.

DIARRHEA- 2 or more watery stools in 24 hours, especially if the student acts or looks ill. Students should stay home for 24 hours after the last watery stool.

VOMITING- vomiting 2 or more times in 24 hours. Student should stay home for 24 hours after the last time they vomited.

RASH- Bothersome body rash, especially with fever or itching. Some rashes may spread to others and should be checked by a health care provider.

INJURY/SURGERY – if students are unable to concentrate due to pain or pain medication, they should stay home. Please have your health care provider contact the school nurse to help your child safely return to school. Letting the school nurse know in advance of any planned surgery will be helpful.

STILL HAVE QUESTIONS about whether your student is healthy enough to come to school? Contact the school nurse or your child’s health care provider.

Keeping ill students at home, encouraging frequent hand washing, and covering coughs protects everyone, including those with fragile immune systems.

Students are expected to participate in all parts of the school day including recess or PE. If your doctor has restricted activity please send a doctor’s note, for example: “No contact sports x 1 week.”

Thank you for your support to keep students safe & healthy.

Upcoming Testing Season:

Hello Hamilton Families, Testing season is right around the corner for your Hamilton student(s). This year all students will be participating in the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for Math and English Language Arts. The 8th grade students will be participating in the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). Here are the dates that these tests will be occurring this spring: 

  • WCAS—April 28-29 (8th Grade Only)
  • SBA Math—May 5-6 
  • SBA ELA—May 8-9

These tests are 100% online and require students to have fully charged and fully updated computers. Please help your student remember to charge their devices overnight and to completely power their computers down the night before. These things help make sure computers are properly updated. Doing these two things will go a long way to ensuring smooth and consistent testing sessions.  

Please send any questions about testing to dbcousins@seatttleschools.org

Seeking Donations for Kleenex Boxes:  

Allergy season of sniffles, sneezes, and coughs is upon us. We’re looking for donations of tissue boxes for use throughout the school. Any amount is appreciated and is guaranteed to be put to good use! Boxes can be dropped off at the Main Office.

Join the Lincoln Lynx Girls Basketball Camp! 

Get ready to dribble, shoot, and score with the Lincoln Lynx! This fun-filled camp is perfect for players of all skill levels, offering hands-on coaching, exciting drills, and team-building activities. Learn from experienced coaches and players while building confidence, improving your game, and making new friends.

Elevate your game, improve skills, build friendships, and embrace LYNX values in a fun and supportive environment led by passionate coaches and players. Bring your friends and register now. Space is limited. We can’t wait to see you there!

  • Fundamental Skill-building exercises
  • Full-court and advanced drills
  • Competitive shooting games and scrimmages
  • Teamwork and sportsmanship activities
  • Incoming 25-26:       4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, & 9th grade girls
  • Date:                             June 30 – July 3, 2025
  • Register NOW:          https://www.lincolngirlsbasketball.com/summer-camp
  • Camp Location:         Lincoln High School Gym, 4400 Interlake Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98103

Lunch Menu for the week of March 31-April 4, 2025:

Mon 3/31

Beef Pasta w/Roll

BBQ Turkey Sandwich w/Fries

PB&J sandwich

Tue 4/1

Beef Stroganoff w/Mashed Potatoes

Bagel Box

Chef choice

Wed 4/2

Chicken Wing w/Fries

Turkey Sandwich

Chef choice

Thurs 4/3

Ciabatta Cheese Melt

Chicken Tenders w/Fries

Chicken Pasta Salad

Chef Choice

Fri 4/4

Hotdogs w/Fries

Burrito Beef Chile Colorado

PB&J sandwich

Chef Choice


  ~~ WE ARE RECRUITING FOR THE 2025-26 BOARD! ~~ We have SEVERAL board members moving on this spring, and the PTSA will need a president, vice president, co-secretary, co-treasurer, communications chair, class reps and several other positions to be filled for next year. Please reach out to the Mollys at president@hamiltonptsa.org if you’re interested in learning about a volunteer opportunity for next year, big or small. It’s an amazing opportunity to know the school community better and contribute to making your students’ HIMS experience awesome.  
  ~~ APRIL STAFF APPRECIATION IS THURSDAY, 4/10 ~~ Our next Staff Appreciation Lunch is Thursday, 4/10 and we need your help! Sign up here to make a tray of sandwiches, buy a box of seltzer, or volunteer an hour of your time for clean-up. Email Regina at staffappreciation@hamiltonptsa.org with any questions!  
  ~~ SEEKING 2025-26BUDGET INPUT BY 3/31 ~~ In order to create a fully informed PTSA budget for next year, we have sent a budget request form to teachers and staff. We’re also seeking parent/guardian/community input! If you have ideas and feedback on budget items for next year, please email the following information to treasurer@hamiltonptsa.org by Monday, March 31: Your nameYour budget request and/or budget feedbackDollar range you’re requestingHow many students would be impacted by your ideasAny other information that you think that the budget committee should have  
  ~~ YOUR PTSA AT WORK ~~ Thank you to all the volunteers who contributed their time to our activities in March! Staff appreciation salad barDiscount and fundraising nights at Purple Wine Bar and Pablo y Pablo Hawk DayPi NightPersonal items and snacks for the counseling office7th grade parent night at FigureheadAnd more!   Watch this space for updates on volunteering needs for the third and final Hawk Day as well as spring field trips, the 8th Grade Dance, and 8th Grade Promotion on June 17.   Remember, you must be an approved SPS volunteer, specifically at HIMS, to volunteer in the building during the school day. If you have never volunteered before, or need to update your volunteer status, follow these links: Apply to volunteer with SPS for the first time. Renew or edit your volunteer application. Also, you must show your ID in the front office and have it verified, even if your volunteer portal says you are “eligible” to volunteer. You can swing by the front office and do this anytime.

Eric Marshall, Principal,

Hamilton International Middle School

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” ~ John Dewey

Telephone: 206-252-5810
