Hamilton International Middle School

Hamilton International
Middle School

HIMS Friday News

Dear Hamilton Community,

Welcome to the first couple of days of Spring! Looking forward to seeing a bit more sunshine as we head into the final weeks of March. 

Below you’ll find a few updates and reminders.  Have a great Weekend!

6th Grade Families – Course Registration Process for HIMS 2025-2026:

Hello 6th Grade Families,

Please be aware that on Friday, March 21, Ms. Peila, our registrar, sent an email to current 6th grade parents and 6th grade students explaining the ONLINE course registration process for HIMS 2025-2026 school year.  On March 21, during Advisory, 6th graders were given a Course Registration Worksheet to take home and discuss with their families. Please reference the attachments sent via email for additional descriptions and instructions. Students need to bring the completed form the week of March 24, 2025, they will use the form as a reference when completing registration via the Online Registration Portal. The Portal is only available through students SOURCE account and can only be submitted once. If adjustments are necessary after being submitted, student must see Ms. Peila in person, RM 105C.

Counselors will be assisting students with this process during the school day and will collect the paper forms once the online registration has been completed, extra forms will be available in case students forget to bring them.  The same process will occur for our current 7th graders starting Friday March 28th.

Thank you!

ONLINE Registration Team


Registration in Ms. Azevedo’s Classes            Registration in Mr. Tanaka’s Classes

                Monday, March 24 Periods 1,3,4                          Wednesday, March 26 Periods 1,2,3

                Tuesday, March 25 Periods 5.6                             Thursday, March 27 Periods 5,6

Seeking Donations for Kleenex Boxes:  

Allergy season of sniffles, sneezes, and coughs is upon us. We’re looking for donations of tissue boxes for use throughout the school. Any amount is appreciated and is guaranteed to be put to good use! Boxes can be dropped off at the Main Office.

Apply Now – Girls in Science Burke Museum:

Applications now open for middle school girls in the science program at the Burke Museum.

  • Who:                    Open to all students in grades 7 and 8, age 13+
  • What:                   Try out different STEM fields and learn about career paths
  • When:                 Six Saturdays in March through May, 1:30-4:30 pm
  • Where:                Burke Museum, University of Washington campus
  • Cost:                    Free (Plus, we have snacks!)
  • Learn More and apply at:          burkemuseum.org/GiS

Lincoln High School Exhibitions:

Lincoln High School is excited to invite Hamilton International Middle School to our annual Exhibitions, a student-led, post-summative, public celebration of learning where students present their work in a variety of creative ways with peers, teachers, families and community members. 

This year’s Exhibitions will take place on June 3rd from 4:30–7:00 PM at Lincoln High School, with offerings from local food trucks. 

By attending, you will have the opportunity to engage with unique student exhibits that highlight innovation, passion, and real-world impact. Visitors will also play an active role in affirming the belief that students’ work can really matter—not only abstractly in the future, but right now, and beyond the boundaries of the school. From passion projects rooted in political advocacy and hands-on science demonstrations (including pancakes served with a side of food science!) to musical performances and galleries featuring the next generation of artists, there’s something for everyone. 

We would love for Hamilton International Middle School’s staff, students, and their families to be part of Lincoln’s Exhibition experience.  

We are looking forward to celebrating with you! 

Upcoming Testing Season:

Hello Hamilton Families, 

              Testing season is right around the corner for your Hamilton student(s). This year all students will be participating in the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) for Math and English Language Arts. The 8th grade students will be participating in the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS). Here are the dates that these tests will be occurring this spring: 

  • WCAS—April 28-29 (8th Grade Only)
  • SBA Math—May 5-6 
  • SBA ELA—May 8-9 

              These tests are 100% online and require students to have fully charged and fully updated computers. Please help your student remember to charge their devices overnight and to completely power their computers down the night before. These things help make sure computers are properly updated. Doing these two things will go a long way to ensuring smooth and consistent testing sessions.  

Please send any questions about testing to dbcousins@seatttleschools.org

Lunch Menu for the week of March 24-28, 2025:

Monday 3/24:

Catfish strips w/Fries

Ciabatta Sloppy Joe with Cheese sauce

PB &J sandwich

Tuesday 3/25:

Pasta with Local Beef Spaghetti Sauce

Chicken Sandwich w/Fries

Bagel Box

Wednesday 3/26:

Arepa w/ smoked Turkey and Salsa

Turkey & Cheese Wrap

Chef Choice

Thursday 3/27:

Chef choice

BBQ Brisket Plate

Greek Pasta Salad

Friday 3/28:

Corn Dog w/ Fries

Beef and Plantain Empanada w/rice

PB&J sandwich


Thank you to the many who enjoyed Pi Night last Friday night, and to those who supported the PTSA fundraiser at Pablo y Pablo this week!

~~ IMPORTANT VOLUNTEERING NEEDS AHEAD: ~~   Watch this space for updates on volunteering needs for the third and final Hawk Day as well as spring field trips, the 8th Grade Dance, 8th Grade Promotion and more.   Remember, you must be an approved SPS volunteer, specifically at HIMS, to volunteer in the building during the school day. If you have never volunteered before, or need to update your volunteer status, follow these links: Apply to volunteer with SPS for the first time. Renew or edit your volunteer application. Also, you must show your ID in the front office and have it verified, even if your volunteer portal says you are “eligible” to volunteer. You can swing by the front office and do this anytime.  
~~ COMING UP NEXT WEEK: ~~   Tuesday, March 25, 7-9 pm: 7th Grade Parent & Guardian Hang-Out at Figurehead on Stone Way. Our 7th grade rep Jema Turk is putting together this event with Figurehead on Stone Way. They are offering a PTSA donation with each check!  
~~ OTHER NEWS & NEEDS: ~~   Let’s keep those Yondr pouches going strong. From the Tech Committee: Here’s how to monitor your students’ cell phone use. With stricter, better-enforced policies and Yondr pouches this year, teachers and admin report that students’ cell phone use during school hours has DRAMATICALLY decreased – but parents and guardians can keep the momentum going by ensuring students aren’t using them during school hours (e.g. in the bathroom). Check out this video that HIMS parent Matt Corddry made that shows how to check: https://www.youtube.com/@hamiltonptsa  

Eric Marshall, Principal,

Hamilton International Middle School

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” ~ John Dewey

Telephone: 206-252-5810
