Hamilton International Middle School

Hamilton International
Middle School

HIMS Friday News

December 30, 2024

Dear Hamilton Community,   

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and hope you have a great winter break. Thank you for your continued support you’ve provided to our students, staff, and school community. We have enjoyed a wonderful first few months of school, and we are looking forward to 2025! Please take time to rest, recharge, and reconnect with family, loved ones, and friends over the break.  

Below are a few important reminders and announcements:

Happy New Year Lunch 1/6-1/10

Monday 1/6

Hotdog w/Fries

Cheeseburger w/Fries

Turkey & Cheese Wrap

Tuesday 1/7

Mesquite Chicken Thigh w/ Mashed Potato and Gravy

Sun butter & Jelly Sandwich

Wednesday 1/8

Pasta w/ Vegan Crumbles

Mac & Cheese Bowl

Turkey Sub Sandwich


Pizza (Cheese and Peperoni)

Bagel Box

Friday 1/10

Chicken Tenders w/Fries

Corndog w/Fries

Yogurt Box

To all the families who encouraged their student to participate in basketball tryouts, we thank you. We know how much effort and heart every student brought to the court, and we deeply admire their dedication, sportsmanship, and passion for the game. Due to the challenge of balancing team size with school and league requirements, not everyone could be offered a roster spot. Still, we encourage your student to continue building their basketball skills, and Ballard Basketball offers both camps and in house leagues. Hamilton’s coaches have seen their programing benefit many players over the years, and they encourage families to explore this option if their student has an interest. https://ballardbasketball.org/

Basketball Practice Schedule, beginning the week of December 16, and continuing after Winter Break:

Mondays: 4:00 to 5:45 pm – JVC Girls and Varsity Girls

Tuesdays:  4:00 to 5:45 pm – JVC Boys and Varsity Boys

Wednesdays: 2:45 – 4:30 pm – JV Girls and JV Boys

Thursdays: 4:00 to 5:45 pm – Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys

Fridays: 4:00 to 5:45 pm – JV Girls and JV Boys

Save the Date: January 23rd 6:30PM-8:00PM:

Lincoln’s High School Information Night for current 8th graders and their families will be held January 23rd from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. This event is reserved for our incoming 9th graders and other high-school aged students transferring to the area only. Our event is hosted as an open house with recorded videos coming soon on our website with all the pertinent information our future Lynx will need.

The night begins at 6:30PM in our gymnasium with a student-run welcome assembly.  Gym doors will open at 6:15PM.  Guests will enter the gym using the entrance located on Woodlawn.

After, we invite students and families to a self-guided tours with identified areas for each academic program as well as information from student groups, student supports, the Student Based Teen Health Center, athletics and the PTSA.   

Optional pre-sessions are being planned for our future students involved with or interested in being involved with our Latino Student Union (LSU), Asian Student Union (ASU), Black Student Union (BSU) and students served on an Individual Education Plan (IEP).  Be watching for any additional pressions to be added. Pre-sessions will happen from 5:45PM-6:15PM in the main building.

Parking is limited, so we encourage you to arrive early and utilize other forms of transportation with carpooling, mass transit and walking.  If you do drive, please be mindful of our neighbors and only park in accessible spots that do not block their access.

For more information about Lincoln, visit us on our website: https://lincolnhs.seattleschools.org/

In Partnership,

Eric Marshall, Principal

Hamilton International Middle School

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” ~ John Dewey

Telephone: 206-252-5810ermarshall@seattleschools.org